Me, Who I am

I won’t tell you my name, in the hopes of staying anonymous, what I can tell you is that I have grown up with Autism (ASD, Asperger) whatever you want to call it. I have also got the co-morbid (accompanying) syndrome of hyper-mobility along with other ailments that I suffer with.

This blog I have set up for people to hopefully find and get advice from me about your ASD child or yourself as an adult. I am hoping to get some of my friends involved that can help. I have an email address for people to ask questions and I will try to answer them!

I also suffer with Fibromyalgia and my spine is degenerating. I feel these things make me quite unique, although I can end up in quite a substantial amount of pain!

I was diagnosed with ASD quite young, I had issues with behaviour and being understood, I did destroy furniture and hurt my family as I couldn’t communicate with them, I do believe there is still a hole in the ceiling in my childhood home where I kicked it (being in a bunk bed) I kicked this because I couldn’t do the math work that was set for me when I was at school.

My next blog post I am hoping to do will be the process of how I got diagnosed with ASD. I am very thankful that I had the support from my family.

Some of the other blog posts will include

  • school
  • food
  • behaviour
  • routines
  • further education
  • family support
  • friends experiences
  • best places to get advice and support

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